Hey readers,
I found this cool video presentation on Stephen Forte`s Blog that talks about the surprising truth about what motivates us. David Pink is the speaker and he explains they various factors that really motivates really us in the work place. What I took from this is that money is a motivator, that obvious, the higher the pay, the better performance. If you remove the worries of money, meaning if you pay people enough to take the issue of money off the table, then instead of money leading to better performance, now you have 3 factors that lead to better performance; autonomy, mastery and purpose. Autonomy describes our desire to be self directed, which management wants. Manages expects their employees to be self-directed, not be dependent on their managers to direct them. Next you have mastery which describes our urge to get better at stuff, so for example I enjoy programming on the weekend, working with WCF, SQL Server, ASP.NET, etc., some might think that I'm acting irrational for doing work and not getting paid for it, so why do I do it? Because I love programming, learning, doing something new provides me with a feeling of self satisfaction and accomplishment and I can use my skills to produce applications where users can benefit from.....Then finally you have purpose, where purpose is to be a better an employee, putting yourself in a position where you can help others and be more effective when engaging with the company clients. Its an interesting video post. Check it out and post your reactions.....I'll be waiting....Below is the link
What really motivates us?
This is a great video Brandon. I am glad to see it again.